How to wear your Cocoa Cashmere in Summer

Imagine a Summer barbecue...

Cocoa Cashmere SUMMER20
 Cocoa Cashmere SUMMER20 Cocoa Cashmere - Designer Clothing Gallery Greytown

with your Cocoa Cashmere when the sun goes down.....

Cocoa Cashmere - Designer Clothing Gallery Greytown  Cocoa Cashmere - Designer Clothing Gallery Greytown  Cocoa Cashmere - Designer Clothing Gallery Greytown soft on your skin

Cocoa Cashmere - Designer Clothing Gallery Greytown  Cocoa Cashmere - Designer Clothing Gallery Greytown  Cocoa Cashmere - Designer Clothing Gallery Greytown

And the look for Spring/Summer20 - Cocoa  Cashmere with a pretty skirt and trainers  

Cocoa Cashmere - Designer Clothing Gallery Greytown